Emo-Central (Or Not...)
Motion City Soundtrack - I Am The Movie
My Favourite Bands
Rants and Raves
Pretty Pictures
For Fans Of...            Sugarcult, Maxeen, Brand New
Stand Out Tracks     The Future Freaks Me Out
                                      Perfect Teeth
                                      Capital H

Motion City Soundtrack may seem, to anyone unfamiliar with the band, like just another American punk rock band. But how many 'American punk rock bands' have a synthesiser? Okay, so there may be a couple but let's not get pedantic...

Frontman Justin Pierre vocals are smooth as champagne, a pleasure to listen to. The lyrics he sings range from humourous (A hero zero with a capital Z - Capital H), to self-depricating (I can't believe you got that right - Shiver).

Josh Cain's guitars throughout are constant quick riffs; a jazzy sound mixed with an almost-country style of playing punctuated with small inputs from Justin and his six-string. Bassist Matt Taylor only has a couple of solos where the bass really stands out but, along with Tony Thaxton on the drums, he's always in the background, helping to keep the rhythm.

But it's Jesse Johnson's electronic input on the Moog which adds extra texture to the music as well as some unidentifiable sounds which only he could create. This gives Motion City Soundtrack their individuality and makes them unlike anything you've ever heard before.

From the opening Moog warble of Cambridge to the ending drum crashes and fading guitar of A-OK, 'I Am The Movie' goes through different styles more often than I say 'Bert is attractive' in one day (that's a lot, just ask Vicky).

From the quick, upbeat almost shouting of Don't Call It A Comeback to calm and melodic emo-ness of Indoor Living, this record covers every angle you could possible look for.

Perfect Teeth sings of mispent childhood while Boombox Generation pleas for attention with lines stating 'we're happy if our songs get heard at all / so bring forth donations for the boombox generation'.

While The Future Freaks Me Out focuses on Betty with her innocence and flaws, Modern Chemistry takes on the frequent problem of drug addiction, with moving lyrics that everyone can relate to.

Capital H and Red Dress take on Motion City Soundtrack's slightly country side with spectacular yet slightly Texas-style guitar riffs which are enough to make Jimi Hendrix turn in his grave. While the former chooses to juxtapose an offbeat main riff with a country-sounding bridge, the latter holds, what I think to be, the best guitar part on this record; the descending and re-asscending scale that runs from 'I'm on my way...' through to '...and I'm grateful'.

No one can do this record justice; for five guys from Minneapolis, it's impressive how they can write lyrics that everyone can relate to, with music that you can't help but bounce up and down to just a little bit.

To see exactly what I'm talking about, go buy this record. Borrow it from your friends; download it; hell, steal the thing! Just get a copy of it somehow! (Okay, maybe stealing is a little drastic). I assure you that you won't regret it.


Track Listing
The Future Freaks Me Out
Indoor Living
My Favorite Accident
Perfect Teeth
Boombox Generation
Don't Call It A Comeback
Modern Chemistry
Capital H
Red Dress
Mary Without Sound
Autographs & Apologies